Sunday, May 15, 2011

Phreshy, "Big Money" Official Treatment

Enigmatic beings [WOMEN] throughout flick.
Smoke-like vibe within hookah lounge.
Body painted beings--various shapes and patterns such as these.

Phreshy “Big Money”
Dir. JB Adkins
EP. Chauncey Gardner
Prod. Co. Chromatic/Revel

Purpose – Highlight Phreshy in an impressionistic view, one of which will obscure the mind of the viewer through visual trickery, strong surreal narrative, and outlandish stylism while maintaining the underlying theme of the record itself.

The Look – Neonistic. Think dark pastels and watercolor [see example]. Glossy, slick and sexy in regards to the women. Broken. Women look as if they are a cross hybrid between an avatar and the latest Zombacolypse flick. Women are covered in surreal body-painted patterns complete with ragged hair and piercing  alligator eyes. Almost as if the women are being controlled by some otherwordly force, causing them to move and dance in manners not normally executed by everyday individuals. Hooka lounge is filled with electrifying colored smoke. Yellow, bright red, and blue. Calabassas mansion performance complete with apocalyptic looking lighting design. Almost as if we are experiencing a post apocalyptic rave of some sort [See Photo + Video EX]

Accents and neons within Hookah lounge gag. This will also
translate over into the mansion gag.
Basic outline of the MANSION PARTY gag vibe-very modern- ecocentric.
The Vibe – Surreal. Subliminal. We want the audience to become completely lost and enthralled in the flick while asking, “What the hell am I watching? What is this all about?” The point. That is the point. Imagination coupled with imaginative capabilities. Let’s captivate the audience whilst utilizing enigmatic elements including style and movement coupled with narrative in an effort to capture both the unique narrative qualities in conjunction with definitive lyrics.

Colored smoke within the Hookah lounge.

Contact lenses for BEINGS' eyes.

More colored smoke ex.

Neon and colored smoke within the lounge gags.

Body language and real-time reaction of stickup
as it pertains to Phreshy and THE BOYZ.

Enigmatic eyes.
Another quick example of how our Hookah lounge could be outlined.

The Video – Feature 2 distinct locations. Calabasas mansion + Hookah lounge. Open with Phreshy and the Boyz preparing for a gigantic heist involving a stash of dirty cash stored within a hookah lounge. Very apocalyptic-like lounge. Phresy and his boys bust in [60 pulled down – slow] guns blazing and proceed to stick the place up. Upon entering the lounge, we see POV’s of Phreshy and the Boyz relative to the Thriller-like, raving and movement taking place. Lots of performance coverage of women + dances. Alcohol. Colored smoke. Product placement possibility? Very likely. Mansion performance features similar cinematic style with dolly in and out of the Rave taking place around Phreshy. At the end of the heist, Phresy decides to gran the surreal-like beings and shuttle them to his BIG MONEY MANSION. Money all over the floor. More hookah and sexy-stimulating colors. Individual performance gags of women in mansions with quick speed up and slow down. Flashing pink and green Kinos in an octagonal shape. Post apocalyptic goggles and gas masks. Surrealism to the extreme. Individual bulb sockets hanging from ceiling. Flashing/dimming on and off. 

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